Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I am so glad I don't have to pay for my electricity bill EVER AGAIN!!

Just this week the hubby and I earned FREE electricity!!! We never have to pay for electricity awesome is that!?!

I know you're probably wondering how we did it. Well, all we did was we signed up at and referred 15 of our friends to do the same thing. No contract required, no fees no nothing. The best part about it is that we are able to keep ComEd as our electricity supplier. The only thing that changes is that our electricity is now being purchased from Ambit Energy and provided to us as a lower cost. And on top of that, our home is now being energized with 100% renewable GREEN energy! (It's the least I could do, my carbon footprint is pretty massive)...

This is such a good deal, when I found out about this I signed up my momma, grandma, in-laws and some of my closest friends! (You know I can't keep a good deal to myself! I'm not that greedy...) There are so many cool perks that come along with being an Ambit customer too, like the 300$ voucher that we get to spend on a 3 day/2night stay at one of 25 awesome destinations in the US and Mexico just for trying to service. It's a win-win all around :)

15 friends have been referred and our work is done! Free electricity for life! Check out the website and get you and your peeps to signed up too! When you join as a customer, you will get your own personal website like mine and you can share your own link with your friends. Check it out!

Saving money on stuff you have to pay for every month-- If that's not hiphousewife 101 then I don't know what is!

xoxo mommyfabulous

Now if I could get one of these to pick up the hubby's dirty drawers we'd be in good shape!

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Top 5 Cooking and Entertaining Tasks Best Left to Your Robot

On Wednesday, The San Francisco Chronicle published an article about
 Willow Garage, a Menlo Park research lab working to build robots to 
handle a wide range of domestic responsibilities. Known as PR2s, these 
buzzing butlers will operate on an open system, allowing, much as Apple
 did with app-builders for its iPhone and iPod platforms, other researchers 
to write and adapt software to serve a variety of specific needs -- from
 newspaper-fetching to burger-flipping.
It's R2D2 in an apron, a personal sous-chef, diligent maid, and attentive
 waiter squeezed into one hulking white frame. While the prospect of owning
 a PR2 any time soon is unlikely (even the newer, one-armed, economy 
model PR2 SE clocks in at $200,000), we can dream, can't we? According
 to chief executive Steve Cousins, the price will drop -- first from its current
 lofty house-like height to that of a car, and then hopefully to the equivalent 
of a household appliance. Read on for what we'd use our robot for around the
 house and kitchen.

5. Chopping onions. Our crying days will be over the instant our PR2 arrives,
 blade in hand,  knife skills software thoroughly installed. As our little dude works --
 dicing, mincing, and shaving -- we will drink a beer on the couch. This brings us
 to the next item on our list.

4. Fetching/pouring beer. Much as our first child will quickly learn how to 
open the fridge and grab dad a cold one, the PR2 will be well-trained in the 
simple science of selecting a chilled bottle, popping off the top, and ferrying it 
into the bedroom or living room, where the designated target of
 instant refreshment will be kicking back, reading or watching a program.
 The Willow Garage people are all over this one. Just check the embedded video.

3. Stirring. Man, we love risotto. The only problem is, stirring for 20 minutes
 straight puts a cramp in our post-work lounging (as well as our wrists). With
 the PR2, we'll roll in, saute for a few minutes, get the stock going, add the rice
 to the pan with the butter, hand our robot a bottle of wine and a wooden spoon, 
and get over to that couch with a cold beer.

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  • LOL - I'm with you on the onion chopping - ugh!  And the risotto stirring. It's easy peasy to make risotto, but it definitely has its robotic factor...
  • WekMoo 17 hours ago
    OK, that dude really seems to know exactly what the deal is. Wow.